Monday, 4 October 2010

Autumn Views in Sweden and picking plums

Autumn is definitely here, cool nights and mornings and the corn has gone, replaced by newly ploughed soil. The plum tree in the garden was just full of plums, and now the freezer and cupboards are full of puree, jam and chutney. The best recipes were the simplest, just 750g of plums to 500g jam sugar and a little water. Still, good though the jams tastes, my hands can't face another plum:

I have just finished a quick sketch of recent walks about the area, think it just about tells the story, from the pets view of course.....  Slow though those pheasants look, they always manage to fly away from the F & B just in time


  1. Beautiful plums! The sketch is so darling. I love it!

  2. Miss Val - Thanks, him indoors is the maestro with the camera for this shot. I just love the dusky plum colour, but it only stays for a day once I have picked them. Glad you liked the sketch
