Friday 31 January 2014

Winter Draws On (Again)

Swedish Trolls and Springerle Biscuit molds

When you hear the word Troll these days it is usually in connection with malicious web attacks in unexpected places, but this little Bergdala Troll is much more charming. 

I found this little Troll at a local flea market, and he sums up how I feel at present. Even the super new fleecy boots aren't keeping the cold or snow out, but while the extremities may be cold, the heart is warm.  The wee troll is on my desk trying to be a paperweight, but really too small to cope with my in-tray, maybe more are needed! 

Fantastic Cookie Molds

I made a great discovery last week - German Springerle Molds. One of these truly lovely things arrived in the post last week, another belated Birthday present. Thanks to the sender for introducing me to these beautifully made cookie moulds. Here is just one example... 

The moulds are traditionally used to make really hard biscuits that are quite hard and none too tasty, but I think there is scope to use them with other doughs or even dare I think of it chocolate. Ken Hamilton has some great recipes and history of the things, really quite inspiring.  So, tea, cookies and sketching it is then until the snow goes away...


  1. That mould if fantastic, my first thought was that it was a soap mould but you're right, it would be beautiful as a thin chocolate mould. Thank you for the link to the makers. Hope you get the spotted swallow vintage site up soon, looking forward to seeing some interesting things.

    1. yes - I hadn't thought of soap, but that would be great too. I keep going back totheir site and making a list of ones I like. Too many to choose. Keep all posted about Spotted Swallow.
