Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Taste of Summer - Coconut, Lime & Blueberry Icecream

Aaaah... Lilac everywhere and ...
Suddenly, without really noticing it, Spring is giving way to Summer here, and OK so I still need to put on a sweater when I walk the dogs in the morning, by lunch time it is well, almost summer. At about the same time as this spate of good weather arrived, I had to good fortune to come across a yummy recipe below (originally from Mary Cadogan of Good Food fame) that I have adapted a bit. You don't need an ice cream maker to make this, but it helps...

140g golden caster sugar
125g blueberries
200ml coconut cream (I usually use for curries, so this is a nice change)
284ml double cream (can't get that here - substitute 34% fat Creme Fraiche)
1 Lime
ice cream maker
How To....
1. Grate the lime zest into a pan with the blueberries and sugar. heat for a couple of minutes until the berries start to soften. Take off the heat and cool.
2. Combine the coconut cream and cream fraiche in a bowl and beat together. Add the cooled berry mixture to the creamy mass.
 3. Get you ice cream maker set up an running - and pour the mixture into the bowl. Let it turn for about 20 mins or until the mixture is smooth.
4. Pour your yummy mixture into a plastic tub and whack it in the freezer for a minimum of 3 hours, taking only the slightest spoonful to taste before you do.  


1 comment:

  1. Mmmm! This sounds like a perfect, refreshing summer treat! ~Val
